Kane Neko's Atelier

日本語 / EN / ID > OK

I'm [ Kane Neko ] the Illustrator, specialized on moe style, chibi style and Vtuber model design.


Commission Status


依頼・コミッションしたい方々は上のSNSにDM (ダイレクトメッセージ)してください。何卒よろしくお願いいたします。
If you want to Commission me please send the Direct Message on my Social media at list above, Thank you very Much.

10月リスト・October List
Commission : Accepting Waiting list

依頼者・Client依頼タイプ・Commission Typeステータス・Status
Kapten Mala配信用背景 Background For Streaming待機 / Waiting
Farveil湊あくあ minato aqua待機 / Waiting
Crystalイラストスタンプ・絵文字 sticker/emotes待機 / Waiting
Novalu2人のオリキャライラスト 2 OC illustration待機 / Waiting

未定  not yet fixed

依頼者・Client依頼タイプ・Commission Typeステータス・Status
玉猫メイリヤ Tamaneko Meiriya新衣装 New outfit未定 / Not yet fixed
Amaya Miyu新衣装 New outfit待機 / Waiting
あかねおんブルーアーカイブサイコロビーチボール(6面)Blue archive dice beach ball. 6 arts未定 / Not yet fixed

→  ラフスケッチ・らくがきが依頼者にお届け(修正ポイント。ラフスケッチ・らくがきが修正不要場合進む可能)
→  全額支払い
→  支払い後:線画や色々確認
→  制作
→  完成品は依頼者にお届け
Terms Of Service・Working period: usually 3-5 days (depend on queue and deadline)・Additional for variations: 500 JPY, 5USD, 50.000 IDR per image.・For Social Media release, Commercial use / Broadcast use, and other cases: Please just Credit the channel name of the Vtuber "Kaneko Mineko" or the URL of the illustrator "KaneNeko" as much as possible.・If you plan to resell the finished product (use for merchandise): There is a possibility an additional fee will be charged.・For major revisions after the illustration is completed: An additional fee of half the original price of the illustration will be charged. After payment, you can proceed with the revisions.・AI learning prohibited・Work Flow :
The client give the details (character reference, pose, etc.)
→ Rough sketches / doodles are delivered to the client (points for corrections. If the rough sketches/doodles not require for corrections, it can be proceed for next step)
→ Full payment
→ After payment: Follow up to client for checking the line art and other things
→ Production
→ The finished product is delivered to the client